Elixir and AWS Cognito

Elixir and AWS Cognito

Why using Cognito instead of coding it myself?

AWS Cognito offers the developer best practices with login flow, encryption, and easy integration with a range of authentication providers. These features collectively provide a strong foundation for securing user identities and authentication in your application while minimizing the development effort required on your end. AWS is taking care of storing the user credentials in an secure way, you as a developer does not have to think about hashing, salting or also what algorithm to use.

How to integrate Cognito with Elixir?

defmodule YourApp.AWS do
    def client() do
        client = %AWS.Client{
        access_key_id: System.get_env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
        secret_access_key: System.get_env("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
        session_token: System.get_env("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"),
        region: "eu-west-1"

Create new User via AWS SDK in Cognito

client_id = "xxx5gvidkg***********"
user_pool_id = "eu-west-1_XXXxEJ***"

AWS.CognitoIdentityProvider.sign_up(Blogex.AWS.client(), %{
  ClientId: client_id,
  UserPoolId: user_pool_id,
  Username: "bmalum_test",
  Password: "SecretPass123%$",
  UserAttributes: [%{Name: "email", Value: "some.name@example.com"}]

Confirm User with Code (if required by Pool Settings)

AWS.CognitoIdentityProvider.confirm_sign_up(Blogex.AWS.client(), %{
  Username: "bmalum_test",
  ClientId: client_id,
  ConfirmationCode: "185931"

Sign User in with Cognito:

AWS.CognitoIdentityProvider.initiate_auth(Blogex.AWS.client(), %{
  AuthParameters: %{USERNAME: "bmalum_test", PASSWORD: "SecretPass123%$"},
  ClientId: "gcb5gvidkg5temq7bp9t96m6p"

MFA Flow:

Flow Chart of an Auth Flow with Phoenix - Cognito and MFA enabled
Auth Flow with Phoenix - Cognito and MFA enabled

Next Up:

adding login with Apple & Google